Saturday 3 December 2016

Reason behind the happy attire

A bird was diving in the sky
expressing her thoughts
with a curved smile line
when the fellow asked
Few words of desire
from person you admire ,
meeting with the Endearing one
or looking in those eyes  
" the reason behind the happy attire "
then Echoes of words
written in moonlight replied
Is this attire penurious of
either pose or desire?
No,its because unity of feelings
 dwelling inside the moon
Dealing with thousand stars of the sky.


Sunday 6 November 2016

Race with a Different Pace

Few ahead, few behind
each one is running in a line
without thinking
what they are leaving behind
just happy with the changing thrive,
indulged in individuality,
competing with the bevy
in an unannounced meet,
celebrating the victory over
 a measly phase,
without realizing
that they are part of 
"race with a different pace"
where roads are different,
with a different defiance
but a single pursuit.


Wednesday 26 October 2016

भिनता का आभास

कदमो के  उसके दिशा दिखाई,
पथ  से हर बाधा हटाई।
सवालों ने उसके
नयी पहचान जो ढूढ़नी चाही
तो सामने आई एक नई इकाई
दर्शानें ज़जीरे की बनावट की सचाई।।
कर्तव्य के आवरण  तले 
अहसानों का बूना जाता हैं ताना बाना ,
हक़ के सुनाये जाते हैं बायान। 
 खुद को टुकड़े टुकड़े बाँटा गया
चुकानें अहसानोका फ़रमान 
की अंत में रह गयी वो
 बसएक टुकड़े की हक़दार 
उसकी सोच 
जिसकी थी न किसी को दरकार 
 क्योंकी उसमे था
"भिनता  का आभास"

Monday 19 September 2016

Question of Perception

Black or delve of colors for slake,
Ray of light or way towards the other side,
Beauty to admire or just the formation of outer spire,
Satire or idea behind a conquest attire,
Measure of intelligence or mode of parlance,
Steps of flight or journey to a new height,
changing background or servo for perspective of foreground,
all depends on the 
"Question of Perception"
rejoined by the vision of mind,
standing behind the plain sight.

Saturday 30 July 2016

बारिश की कुछ नन्ही बुँदे

बारिश  की कुछ नन्ही बुँदे 
आ मिली धरती से यूँ 
की फैली सौंधी-सौंधी खुश्बू चारो ओर ,
 बूंदो को देख तारकोल  के मंच पर 
उतरे नन्हे छबीकर ,
उस दृश्य में छिपा एक व्रतांत
प्रकर्ति का वो आवश्यक कर्त्तान्त 
देख  रही एक फनकार  
 विडंबना ये कैसी
बारिश की ये नन्ही बुँदे कहीं ,
 दे रही नवजीवन का अहसास 
तो कहीं बन रही त्राहि का निकास।।

Saturday 9 July 2016

Fly away

Fly, Lets fly away
breaking the rules,
subverting the shaded layers 
unfolding the inner ones
because there is response 
to everything 
when we reach 
the inner dimensions of the 
one that is originating the whole.

Wednesday 1 June 2016

Words That Left Unspoken

'With the cycle of  rays merging at horizon
the time was passing
and a tall enthusiasm,
was adding new colors
in the dull sky of a small chirping bird,
weaving new threads
in painting on canvas of life'
'As the colorful sky in which
the bird is flying
seems to be divine of something
beyond the reason and control
her eyes trying to signify of which
she wants to delineate the experience,
but her voice mysteriously got multiplied
with the silence of the sound of
"words that left unspoken"
dwelling midway between her heart and lips'


Sunday 1 May 2016

खुद पे यकीं तो कर एक बार

क्या ये मुसाफिर चाहे
चाह के भी कह न पाये
कोशिश तो सारी की
पर मुकाम हासिल कर न पाये।
पर युही थक के रुक जाना ये तो तेरी कहानी नहीं।।
सबका तो पता नहीं पर तेरा ये अफसाना नहीं
सब न सही तो मैँ ही सही
अकेले ही बढ़ती जाउंगी
कारवां बनना होगा तो बन ही जायेगा
न बन पाया तो वो भी सही
न गम न अफसोस
मुझसे आगाज ही सही।
पर युही थक के रुक जाना तो तेरी कहानी नहीं।।
पहचानने की भूल हो भी गई तो क्या
पथ वो लेना भी ज़रूरी था
समय की समझ से
ये समझना भी ज़रूरी था
"खुद पे यकीं तो कर एक बार "
खुद का साथ तो दे एक बार
दुनिया भी करेगी अनुगमन फिर तेरा
बस रखना तू
खुद पे यकीं बरक़रार।।


Friday 29 April 2016

Illusion of Depth

The novice was asking about unusual
and the medium was illuminating 
the dark sky as usual,
When the clouds of illusions 
started draping the 
Illuminating sky,
the novice got the reply
'Reflection of vibes,
blonde inveteracy within those eyes,
waves in the ocean tide,
depth of zenith sky'
is beautifully choreographed illusions 
created to taught the difference between 
reality and intuition,
self and reflect,
the surface and the depth.
telling about the real reason 
why everything is drowned in
"the illusion of depth"

Image source -

Thursday 10 March 2016

अंत में ही हैं आरम्भ का आख्यापन

लाल गुलाबी पीले फूल,
खिले उपवन -उपवन ,
भरमाते भवरे बाघों में,
लहराती सरसों खेतो में ,
चेह्चाते पक्षी डालो पे ,
मानो कहना चाह रहे हो की   
छेड़ी हैं प्रकर्ति ने फिर  एक नयी धुन।।
नीमो  की सुखी डाली पे
मंजरी और फूटती नव कोपल ,
हुआ हैं पतझड़ के बाद बसंत का आगमन ,
देने  निर्देशन  
'अंत में ही हैं आरम्भ का आख्यापन' 
विस्तृत प्रकृति का हर अंश लेता नया ढंग।,
बनने अवयव उस चक्र का,
जिसके अस्तित्व का सर्जक हैं परम।।
Image Source-

Thursday 11 February 2016

Within Those Eyes

Light or dim
I see the whole worlds glimpse ,
merging in the eyes blink.
Looking upon your eyes
I see the threads of emotions,
weaving in the feeling sky
of once barren glebe,
molding into paradise,
like blonde inveteracy
'within those eyes'
 adding one more reply 
in natures invite
to calibrate the smallest excerpt...
Image Source-

Wednesday 20 January 2016

Morning Mist

Early winter morning,
cold air was brushing across her face.
eyes closed she stepped outside,
with sound of birds
chirping in background
mist fall on ground.
opening the eyes
she left with surprise.
everything was hidden
behind the thin layer,
like thoughts in
her unconscious mind.
one last glance in sight
and there is spark of light
shining in the sky.
a matter of minute,
everything will be revealed
and she finds
Moon is still awake.
Image Source-

Wednesday 13 January 2016

Get Me Something that Never Ends


One day almighty
asked the fellow,
tell me
what you want,

I will give it for grant.
When every wish seems to be right,
choices started rushing

like waves of tide,
Then out of his conscious mind
he said
"get me something that never ends"
Almighty thought for a while
and offered him 
'a journey that never ends'

Image Source-

Friday 8 January 2016

They Said You Know

When the whole was broken,
scattered into pieces,
she was searching for reason
and they said you know.

when emotions are
fading out of consciousness,
unknown sound was muttering
 in the background,
answers were dissolving like rain
and the picture was blurred,
she wants to see the light.
but they said you know
She has so many questions,
answers she want to know
but they said you know.
With diminishing rays
everything was merging at horizon,
and her emotions too,
but she still wants to know the "you".
Image Source -